The Secret of Contentment

Philippians 4

Peace in the Midst of the Storm

Philippians 4

The Road to Joy

Philippians 4

Walking as Citizens of Heaven

Philippians 4

The Angels of Christmas Part 2

The Angels of Christmas Part 1

Running the Race

phil 3

That I May Know Him

Phil 3

Unassailable Truth

Phil 3

The Discipline of Worship-Music

Free From Me

What it means to be "in" Christ

Risking It All for Christ

Phil 2

A Crisis in Character

Phil 2  A look at the character of Timothy

The Stress-o-Meter

Phil 2

Understanding the Times

Phil 2

The Joy of Living with Purpose

Phil 2

Finding Joy in Surrender

Phil 2

Joy--Finding Rest in Serving

Phil 2

Don't Grow Weary

Gal 6

The Way to Church Joy

Phil. 2

The Missional Life Part 2

Philippians 1

The Missional Life

The Engaging Church Part 4

The Engaging Church Part 3

The Engaging Church Part 2

From Philippians

The Engaging Church Part 1

From Philippians

Saints by Calling Philippians 1  

The Birth of a Church--Philippi

Beginning of a series out of the Book of Philippians

The Micah Mandate

Glory  Part 2

Believing Without Seeing-- Easter Sunday

Rejoice with those who Rejoice--Palm Su

Glory  Part 1

Seek and You Shall FInd--Prayer

Prayer Can Change Your Life Part 3

Free From Me Part 3

Free From Me Part 3

Free from Me Part 2

The Holy Spirit Part 2

The Holy Spirit Part 1

A study of the third person of the Godhead.

Knowing the Will of God Part 2

The Power of Forgiveness

unresolved anger and unforgiveness can be at the root of many of problems in a believers life.  Learn how to deal with anger and learn how to truly forgive.

The Importance of Biblical Expectations

Disappointment is the result of setting unbiblical expectations.  Learn how to avoid disappointment.

Setting the Mind

The key to keeping the flesh from taking over is to make sure we are thinking on things above-- where the true Need meet-er dwells. Our Heavenly Father.

The Power of the Cross in the Believer's Life

Romans 6 describes for us the transaction that takes place when we place our faith in Christ for salvation and what it means to our everyday life.

When you are defined by God and not the lies of the world, your emotions can remain under control even in difficult circumstances.

A Question of Grace

The predicament that sin left mankind in, is solved by God's Amazing Grace!

Born Again?

In the search of a sense of life in this world, true life can only be found one place.   An examination of John 3

Lookin' For Life in All the Wrong Places Pt 2

Without God, finding a sense of life from the world around us is a never ending battle...maybe it would be fair to say, a prison.  Learn how to get free and find the life you need in God.

Lookin' for Life in All the Wrong Places Part 1

After sin entered the world mankind is left to fend for itself, seeking a sense of life from the world around it.