1 Samuel 4:1-11 God in a Box

1 Samuel 2:12-36 Leadership Off the Deep End

1 Samuel 1:1-20 My Way or God's Way Part 2

My Way or God's Way Part 1

A study from Exodus 2

Acts 18:18-19:10 Almost Christian

In this day of chose your own truth… many think that anything you believe about God is close enough.  Any version of what it takes to be a Christian is just fine.  Close is good enough.  But it isn't.

Acts 18:1-17 Weary in Doing Well

The Apostle Paul receives encouragement from the Lord.

Acts 17 Engaging the Enemy

Pray Believing

As believers, we have a position that assures us that our prayers will be heard.

Acts 17:1-14 Turning the World Upside Down

Paul and Silas preach the gospel in Thessalonica and Berea.

Acts 16:1-40  Three Changed Lives

Paul and Silas go to Philippi

Acts 16:1-12 Walking in the Spirit

Paul and Silas are directed on their journey by the Lord.

Acts 15:29-41 The Art of Disagreement

Paul and Barnabas handle disagreement with difficulty.

On The First Day of the Week

The Resurrection from John 20

Matt 21:12-17 The Most Important Thing About Us

Jesus cleanses the temple.

Acts 15:13-29 Community in Action

How a church should work

Acts 14:21-15:12  Too Good to be True

The Council at Jerusalem

Acts 14:1-21 Sharing the Good News

Paul's ministry gives us a template for sharing the Good News.

Acts 13:44-52 It's Not Fair

Acts 13:14-43  This Changes Everything

The Apostle Paul's first recorded message.

Acts 13:1-13 The Work of the Ministry

The Apostle Paul starts his first missionary journey.

Acts 12 Credit to Whom Credit is Due

Acts 11 Principles for Building a Healthy Church

A Pattern for Praise

Psalm 100  A Thanksgiving Message

Acts 9:31-43 Access 

2 Corinthians 5:16-21  Initiating Change

New Years Challenge

John 1:14  The Word Became Flesh

A Shift in Worldviews Part 4

The Epistle to the Romans

A Shift in Worldviews Part 3

Genesis 4

A Shift in Worldviews Part 2 

Gen 1-3

A Shift in Worldviews

Genesis 3

A Ticket to Ride

Acts 9:1-22

A Divine Appointment

Acts 8:26-40

The Turning Point

Acts 7

The Thin Edge of the Wedge

Acts 6:8-15   The Arrest of Stephen

Let's Turn Up the Heat

Acts 6:1-8   Internal strife threatens the new church.

Learning to Rejoice

Acts 5:12-42

When Satan Comes to Church

Acts 5:1-11

Facing the Opposition

Acts 4:15-22

What If"

Acts 3:17-26

The Power of God Part 2

Acts 3:11-26

The Power of God

Acts 3:1-12

The Birth of the Church Part 4

Acts 2:40-47

The Birth of the Church Part 3

Acts 2:41

The Birth of the Church Part 2

Acts 2:14-41

The Church is Born Part 1

Acts 2:1-13

The Power of the Resurrection

Mark 15:42-16:7

A Study in Identity

Palm Sunday

The In-Between Times

Acts Chpt 1


Contentment Part 2